
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I have decided to share the pictures I find during my prowling through the internet for interesting things. OK so really I am just mindlessly surfing when I find these but I want it to sound better than that!!

I hope they make you smile, they did me :)


I love my son!!


Well it IS almost the season 

Oh you mean I have to take my costume off? CRAP!!!

And one for my fellow zombie fanatics!!

I hope I was able to make you smile, even if just fora moment. We all need more of that right???

A Halloween Stumble

Howdy folks, how was your Halloween? I am ashamed to say I did nothing, absolutely NOTHING for Halloween this year *hanging head in shame* Yes, the holiday I decorate the most for (aside from Christmas of course) and I decided to be lazy this year.

I really didn't think about it much all month. I had more reconstructive surgery on the 17th so for about a week or so I wasn't up to dressing myself, let alone my house and yard! I guess that was why it was easy to kind of forget about my normal October activities for so long. Then I go out to run errands yesterday and see the neighbors setting up all of their Halloween delights. Spider webs, jack'o'lanterns, lights, fog machine *sigh* I have all of that stuff too! DANG IT! Now I feel awful and I feel like something is missing. I mean I  have some great stuff.

So let me not only show you what we are CAPABLE of, but live vicariously through last Halloween......

of course the whole things has to start off with finding the right pumpkin right?

Kevin found his right off the bat. Hahaha bat...Halloween humor eerrrr nevermind

Then Jessi

and finally my picky butt found one I liked

We got right to work carving them up

And I think they came out great!

We even got Barney in on the fun. Although he seems slightly less excited about it than we were.

Then came the house

A fitting sign for our household

You can't tell very well but the chair covers were blood spattered with bloody hand prints on them ooohhhh scary right?

Zombie crossing anyone?

Of course you have to dig up long lost relatives for the Halloween festivities

And that my dear friends was the Halloween we should have had this year. But it is nice to be able to look back and see how much fun we did have and remind myself to do it next year!!

But because we didn't decorate this year we had no, zero, nada, trick or treaters. Now what am I going to do with 2 huge bags of candy??? Maybe I should set up a giveaway huh? Anyone want some Halloween candy???

I did however make a nice meal for dinner. No I wasn't a total lazy ass last night. So if you would like to see what I DID do last night, come check me out at Bobbi's Kozy Kitchen.

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