
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To plant, or not to plant, that is the question!!!

For the last two years (since my ex and I separated) I have let the yard go. I haven't worked in my flower beds, I haven't kept up on the lawn (in WA you get moss and moles A LOT!!), and I let a full garden of veggies just go....I know....very sad...I am hanging my head in shame!

So the other day I got a wild hair and went up to my garden to check it out....UGH.....weeds to my waist in some places and grass had grown in huge clumps everywhere. I knew there was NO way I was going to be able to "weed" the garden, especially if I didn't want to end up in traction for a week!! My back is too old for THAT! So I grabbed the weed eater and went to town.

OK, did I mention I am old? Well maybe not THAT old but it has been a lot of years since this girl used a weed eater. I got almost the whole garden done before I ran out of line in it....and steam! My arm literally felt like it was 6 inches longer than the other one at least and didn't want to do what I asked it to. Very annoying! But I looked at my garden and felt a sense of pride that I haven't had in 2 years. I had a smile on my face all evening.

The next thing I did was decide that mowing the yard didn't have to wait for my Dad or my boyfriend to do it. (I know many of you are probably saying DUH right now but bear with me) So I went to the shed to get the lawn mower. Well, my ex took the gas powered one and that was the only one I had used so I turned to my Dad's mower....electric...hhhmmmm realllllllly long cord across the yard with the chance of me running it over.....FUN!

The electric mower just seemed so heavy (and very uncooperative I might add) but I wrangeled it up to my starting point and ran what seemed like a thousand feet of cord back to the plug in on the side of the house. Turned it on and awaaaaaaaaay I went. It took me a little while to realize that the handle flipped over so I didn't have to wrestle with it to turn around ( I know...another big DUH for me) but once I got the hang of that, and how to keep the cord behind me, I was doing great. I know this because my father, who had been perched on the patio watching me like a vulture, wandered back into the house so I took that as a positive sign and gave my self a pat on the back.

I got another pat on the back when my boyfriend called from work and in the course of our conversation asked what I had been up to that afternoon, I smiled and told him about my conquest of the lawn mower and got a heart felt "Good for you" out of him. Aaaawwww what a good boyfriend, huh? Ok now add to that....he brought me home flowers and a bottle of wine that evening. He is awesome.....anyway.....back to the yard work.

My boyfriend and I (his name is Kevin by the way) started discussing the garden. We knew something had to be done we just weren't sure what. We decided to buy that black weed blocker fabric and cover it since putting down weed killer would make it impossible for me to plant anything in it this year, but that meant we needed to rent a tiller and put quite a bit of work into it. We decided that weekend we would measure the garden and go get the weed block material. YAY Home Depot......I love that place!!

When we got up Saturday Kevin took his coffee and went outside. I was piddling around the house and told him I would be out shortly, figuring we would measure the garden and then hit Home Depot. By the time I got outside Kevin was almost completely done weeding one of the three flower beds I have in the front of my house. I jumped right in and between the two of use we knocked all three out in no time flat. One of the things we had to do when we weeded was to rake up the old beauty bark I had put down 3 years ago so Kevin decided he wanted to pick up more beauty bark on our trip to Home Depot ( I am not advertising for Home Depot I swear...although my son does work for them).

Did I mention I love Home Depot? I love all of the plants and the smell of the potting soil and flowers. I especially love when it is spring because all of the herbs and little baby vegetable plants are outside. When we got there my ADD took over and I got side tracked to the herbs but Kevin got me back on track with the promise that next weekend we could start to focus on herbs. We grabbed about 6 bags of the beauty bark, a weed hound ( it helps you pull weeds without pulling a bunch of grass ) and the weed blocking material. We headed home and I was so happy. It may seem like it is silly but I just loved the idea that we were working outside together to make the house look pretty.

At this point I don't know how it happened but something was mentioned about renting a tiller. Next thing I knew I was on my way to the rental place to pick up a rear tine tiller. I picked it up and a gas can and some gas and by the time I got back Kevin had put all of the beauty bark down and said we were going to need a few more bags. We grabbed the tiller and headed up to the garden. We were talking about who was going to tiller the garden since I had been flexing my yard working muscles. I decided to let Kevin take the lead (honestly that thing scared the crap out of me!) and once he got going I was soooooooooo glad I had opted out of his offer! It bounced and jumped and churned all over the place. It was kind of like watching someone on one of those fake bucking bronco's they have. It just looked like controlled chaos to me. Bless Kevin's heart he made about four passes up and down that garden to make sure it was done well. I showed my appreciation by running and getting him beers. This I CAN do! After that the next thing we decided to do was hit the hot tub!

Sunday we went back to Home Depot and picked up more beauty bark. Once we got home and spread it out Kevin felt we still needed more but decided to give it a break. I mean Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest right? We watched movies and cuddled and I made dinner, it was a very nice Sunday.

Monday I get up and decide to put the weed blocking cloth down myself. I mean how hard can it be to unroll it, lay it down, cut it, repeat until garden is covered, right? The wind fought with me a bit, but it was actually a gorgeous day for this time of year in WA and I got it all laid out nice and straight. Now, what to use to hold it down......dang it I knew we forgot something! I started grabbing rocks and laid them down on the edges to hold everything temporarily until we could get back to the store ( notice I didn't say Home Depot ) and get something to hold it down on a more permanent basis. Well, that night we had quite the wind storm...UGH....I didn't even want to see the garden the next day. After some coffee and quite a bit of procrastination, I walked up to the was a mess just like I was afraid. I just quietly took my coffee and went back into the house muttering under my breath.

So we kinda lost our momentum for a few days. It was nasty and rainy and I didn't feel like struggling with that weed blocker stuff by myself. Kevin worked some long hard days so he didn't feel like going out into the rain after he got home either. So it sat.....I mean it couldn't get any worse.

Saturday we had to run errands with Kevin's father so we didn't get anything done outside, but Sunday we are back on track. We go to...that place....get some MORE beauty bark and some pots and herbs and potting soil and, after some debate on how well they would work or if they would be a huge waste of money, some "staples" for the weed blocker fabric. We got to work as soon as we got home. Since we only bought one box of staples (we had to compromise since I wanted them and he didn't) it was obvious very quickly that 75 staples weren't going to be enough, so we placed them strategically and used large rocks along with them. Once that was knocked off the list Kevin started putting down the beauty bark and I went to work setting up my herb pots. We finished up with that and enjoyed the rest of our Sunday.

Sunday night/Monday early morning I am woken up by a horrendous rain storm. The wind was blowing so hard I thought the window might break. Once I got over my fear of glass flying all over my room my heart stopped OH NO!!! Monday morning I wake up and got ready for school. As I walk out to my car I take a quick glance up to the garden......YAY!!!! Everything was still in the same place. I chuckled to myself about how much of a "waste of money" those staples were. I do like it when I am right!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

I are a college student!!

Well today was my first day of school. It is kind of nerve racking going to college as it is but add in that I am 45 and the class I am taking is a math class, which is my WORST subject.....uumm ya, just a bit nervous.
I barely slept last night but some of that was due to the wicked rain storm we had that seemed to blow so hard against my windows all night that I was afraid they might break! But I know some of it was nerves and excitement too. I know it probably sounds silly but I am as excited as I am nervous. I am starting a whole new chapter in my life and even though it scares the crap out of me I am so happy!
I got up and wandered around, checked my email, checked my Facebook. Got myself dressed and decided a ponytail was a good idea vs doing my hair only to get out in the wind and rain and look like I had never touched it. Put some makeup on and made myself eat a bagel even though my stomach was not too keen on the idea. I tried to make myself focus and make a plan for what I was going to cook for dinner but that just didn't happen. My ADD had taken over and I couldn't figure out one recipe from the other.
Left for school an hour and 15 minutes early because I just couldn't stand wandering around the house anymore. Luckily I left early because I was out of gas. I didn't drive this weekend my boyfriend did, so of course I made a mental note to gripe at him about that LOL Even with stopping for gas I was on the road with an hour before class started.
Got to school and began the process of driving up and down the isles of cars hoping to get lucky and have someone leave right in front of you with no room for another car to dart in and take the spot. I felt like a vulture really.
Of course the rain storm was even stronger at the college so when I get out the wind tries to flip my umbrella inside out and the rain hits me square in the face, big cold drops, UGGG! I half walked half wind surfed my way through the parking lot on onto the school campus and stopped into the security office to get my ID and then decided, even though I still had over 30 mins till class started, to head to my building. By the time I got inside the building my feet were soaked totally through my UGG boots and my jeans were soaking wet too FUN!!
There were several people hanging out inside the building so I wandered over to a few of them and asked what room they were waiting for. I was lucky enough to find a couple people that were waiting for the same class so we chatted a bit before we had to venture back out into the rain and get into class. Once inside a girl I met named Angie sat down next to me. I like her, she is 10 years younger than me but she is a single Mom too. We both share the same fears so immediately we hit it off. It is nice to feel like I might have a "partner" in this.
So all in all I felt it was a good first day. I have to navigate the college website to find the area that our teacher puts our homework assignments, but I think I will be able to figure that out....if not my teenager will LOL

Friday, March 26, 2010

Life after divorce?

I am really having to take a hard look at myself and my life now. After being married for 21 years and a stay at home Mom and thinking that was just what I was supposed to do, I had an AHA moment. I realized I wasn't happy, I hadn't been happy in quite a long time. I was going a long with a smile on my face but inside I was screaming at the top of my lungs SOME ONE HELP ME!!!
It was the first time that I really decided it was OK to think about ME and what I needed. I was so used to doing what everyone expected of me, and keeping appearances up, I had lost myself. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade one day of being home with my kids for anything. But with my kids both being teenagers I guess I was able to take a step back for a moment and say "WOW.....what about me?"
Divorce is ugly! I was so naive to actually believe that we could go through it and just say "Oh well, it just didn't work, I wish you the best in your new life". That is no where close to how it has gone. I was not prepared for the vicious attacks and lies that were to be aimed at me over and over again. I was not prepared for someone to systematically go to each and every person we knew and tell them lies to turn them against me. I have had my eyes opened to how gullible people can really be and how many people just want to hear gossip and are willing to jump right in it with both feet. I was also not prepared for cold calculated manipulation of our own children. It has been 2 years since we separated and the game is still being played. I have no friends left but I have my freedom. I will just be happy when it is over honestly. there life after divorce? I am nervous really. Even though the past 2 years have been awful, just as most of my marriage was, it is what I know. Once that is totally out of my life will I know what to do with myself? I know that probably sounds crazy, but it is the truth.
Don't get me wrong I am lucky a lucky girl. My children love me, and I have a man in my life now that loves me for who I am, flaws and all. It is a nice feeling. I have my father and I am starting school to actually get a career of my own. I guess I answered my own question huh? I have a great life, actually I think my life is just beginning!!