
Monday, March 29, 2010

I are a college student!!

Well today was my first day of school. It is kind of nerve racking going to college as it is but add in that I am 45 and the class I am taking is a math class, which is my WORST subject.....uumm ya, just a bit nervous.
I barely slept last night but some of that was due to the wicked rain storm we had that seemed to blow so hard against my windows all night that I was afraid they might break! But I know some of it was nerves and excitement too. I know it probably sounds silly but I am as excited as I am nervous. I am starting a whole new chapter in my life and even though it scares the crap out of me I am so happy!
I got up and wandered around, checked my email, checked my Facebook. Got myself dressed and decided a ponytail was a good idea vs doing my hair only to get out in the wind and rain and look like I had never touched it. Put some makeup on and made myself eat a bagel even though my stomach was not too keen on the idea. I tried to make myself focus and make a plan for what I was going to cook for dinner but that just didn't happen. My ADD had taken over and I couldn't figure out one recipe from the other.
Left for school an hour and 15 minutes early because I just couldn't stand wandering around the house anymore. Luckily I left early because I was out of gas. I didn't drive this weekend my boyfriend did, so of course I made a mental note to gripe at him about that LOL Even with stopping for gas I was on the road with an hour before class started.
Got to school and began the process of driving up and down the isles of cars hoping to get lucky and have someone leave right in front of you with no room for another car to dart in and take the spot. I felt like a vulture really.
Of course the rain storm was even stronger at the college so when I get out the wind tries to flip my umbrella inside out and the rain hits me square in the face, big cold drops, UGGG! I half walked half wind surfed my way through the parking lot on onto the school campus and stopped into the security office to get my ID and then decided, even though I still had over 30 mins till class started, to head to my building. By the time I got inside the building my feet were soaked totally through my UGG boots and my jeans were soaking wet too FUN!!
There were several people hanging out inside the building so I wandered over to a few of them and asked what room they were waiting for. I was lucky enough to find a couple people that were waiting for the same class so we chatted a bit before we had to venture back out into the rain and get into class. Once inside a girl I met named Angie sat down next to me. I like her, she is 10 years younger than me but she is a single Mom too. We both share the same fears so immediately we hit it off. It is nice to feel like I might have a "partner" in this.
So all in all I felt it was a good first day. I have to navigate the college website to find the area that our teacher puts our homework assignments, but I think I will be able to figure that out....if not my teenager will LOL

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