The 1st thing on our list was to take Kevin's Dad Harry to the VFW for breakfast. This is kind of a Saturday morning ritual. Harry is 87 years old an just an awesome awesome man. He enjoys getting out and seeing all of his friends every week and we enjoy taking him. Once we dropped him off and were on the road back home we started talking about what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. Aside from the grocery shopping we had to do ggrrrrrrr I hate it when chores get in the way of fun!
We decided to go home and play some horseshoes. We have been staring at that pit all year wanting to play, but horseshoes in the rain? Not so fun. We grabbed some cold beers and hit the back yard. After a close back and forth game, which I won by the way, Kevin decided out of the blue that he wanted to go kayaking. This caught me off guard since we have never been kayaking, but I was game it sounded like fun.
Evidently we were not the only people with the same brilliant idea because when we got there they told us there were no boats available to rent. So back home we go. More horseshoes, then as the evening began we hopped into the hot tub for a bit. It was in the hot tub that Kevin announced that he wanted to build a fire. I laughed, "OK but I think the wood will get a little wet in here" I am a smart ass sometimes I know. Actually it is my evil twin I am an angel....riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
He was so funny. As soon as the decision was made he was like a little boy, so excited at the idea of building this fire. I am completely convinced that something has carried over into today's modern man. Something that has been within them since the dawn of = I wanna burn shit. This goes hand in hand with men = I wanna blow shit up, but that is another story.
So here we go. Let me also mention that as the fire got bigger so did Kevin's smile!
Now we have a stick to poke the fire with.......must find things to burn!!
See the smile? I told you.....a kid in a candy store I am tellin' ya!!
But it was nice and warm. Even though it was a gorgeous summer day the sun was down and it was beginning to cool off a bit. So I was happy my tootsies were nice and warm.
Yes the excitement was infectious!
I briefly freaked Kevin out with my "monkey toes". After 3 years you would have thought he had noticed.
Again with the poking.
Kevin had to prove to me that a beer can would actually melt. Who knew? Obviously NOT me!
Well it was fun folks. We laughed and drank some beer. My Dad even hung out with us for a while. Brought back little memories of when I was a kid and we would have bonfires at the beach. Good fun and good memories! Recipe for an awesome time.