I have been trying to find things to occupy the free time that I do have away from my head shoved in a text book, and rediscovered my love for crotcheting. I used to love to scrapbook and crotchet but just haven't had the time, or the energy (mastly the latter) to do any of that. I took on a HUGE task of making an afghan (a blanket not the person LOL) for Kevin's father's birthday. He is 86 and I figured a handmade gift would be better than other things that he could just buy for himself, or that he doesn't need. Handmade to me just says you care a lot more than some plaque or something that would sit on a shelf and gather dust.
WELL, I didn't realize what I had gotten myself into until I got about a quarter of the way through the project and read repeat rows 5 thru 26 3 more times!!! Then several times through the process I discovered I had gotten off count and had to unravel SEVERAL rows to get back to one that was correct. I almost cried one time because it was all of the work I had done one Saturday afternoon. But that taught me to pay much closer attention!
Between school, and crotcheting, and dealing with Codi and Kevin's son, I have gotten back to feeling like life is becoming normal again. The last two years are beginning to fade and I am feeling more and more like "me" again. I don't have things overshadowing my life. Oh don't get me wrong. There are things still going on that remind of just how stressful this whole process is/was, but for the most part I am feeling happy and hopeful again, which is a great feeling.
The finished project :)